Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Upcoming Race Goals

These are the races i've set my sights on for the near future. One of the biggest challenges I face is honouring the commitment to train for them. Having friends and family hold me accountable is important! Their support is crucial both on race day AND every day leading up to it.

Tip: Know someone who is working toward a goal? Next time you see them ask them how they're doing, not only will it thrill them to know you care enough to keep track, but it might also keep them from procrastinating taking that next step toward completion and ultimately success!

1. Vancouver Sun Run 10k, May 9, 2010 (under 45 min)
2. Scotiabank Vancouver 1/2 Marathon, Jun 27, 2010 (complete)
3. Honolulu Marathon, Dec 12, 2010 (complete)

"You're never too old to set a new goal or make a new dream." -C.S. Lewis

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