Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Introduction: The initiative, the drive, the stamina.

I often joke that my main means of transportation is the heel-toe-express. Since I am carless, my feet and my bus pass get the most mileage on any given day and as a result my perspective of the world is somewhat different than most. The city of Vancouver boasts an efficient and well travelled transit system, has recently expanded several main thorough-fares to include cycling lanes, and on most days (rain or shine-but mostly rain) you can spot quite a few enviro/health-conscious commuters atop their bikes pedaling to and from work or the grocery store or the library, or their favorite cafe, etc...

The initiative behind this blog was born out of my desire to pay homage all of those motivated people who brave the elements in order to accomplish their daily responsibilities and who thrive doing so. It was also designed to inspire others (like myself), who finding themselves in the same boat do not relish their circumstances quite as much!

This blog was originally conceived with the intention of documenting "cool runnings:" new and creative trails, routes, events, and adventures to be experienced on foot. The concept has since morphed into a hodge-podge of fun facts, dear diary entries, goal setting sessions, and hopefully will contain a modicum of relevant and appreciated information regarding running and other healthy habits. The drive behind this endeavour is to improve my quality of life by seeking out ways to improve yours -since i'm borrowing a page out of the reverse psychology handbook I may as well be upfront about it ;) If I think you want to hear about it, then I'll experience it and tell you about it!

I am a rookie blogger and runner. What better way to embark on a journey to improve my skills in both areas than to embrace the public and, for better or worse, their opinion and advice? Hopefully this will turn out to be an open forum for tips, new ideas, enjoyed experiences, and dos and don'ts of all kinds. The stamina of this blog will be proven through goals set and achieved, the details of which will follow shortly...

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