Friday, September 23, 2011

Outward Bound

I love travel blogging best. I find so often I doubt that what inspires me has the ability to ignite in others the same excitement and passion, and so I leave it unsaid...or more accurately...unblogged. But who doesn't love to travel? Who doesn't love and yearn everyday to be in the great outdoors? To sleep under the stars, hike a torturous and treacherous pass, paddle the murky depths of a yet unchartered waterway or to climb an unconquered crag? To finally reach a beach so distant and intangible, that even if it were a mirage, it would be no less hopeless to conceive of ever sinking one's toes into the sandy surf of it's shores?

I was Outward Bound this week with the Gr. 9's and you best believe we hiked the second half of the Fundy Footpath hard. Although it rained our second night, the 37 students we took on trip held steadfast to their smiles and resolve and kicked some serious incline ass. Kids never fail to remind me that resilience is not a learned is an ingrained and boundless and totally surprising quality in a person. I love teaching, experiential learning, and being outside. Pretty easy to please!

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