Friday, September 2, 2011

New beginnings & Old tricks

Today I found myself back in high school. The first day of my Education degree and I am confined to a building full of classrooms that imitate those in which I will soon find myself teaching. I have been conditioned to expect very little from the next 8 months, however on this introduction day, I find myself inspired and excited to learn. At times it concerns me that I so enjoy being the learner...

The next few months will be full of tasty morsels on computers & technology, english, history, and international collaboration through the framework of education and the practical application of these topics in the classroom. Among the inspiring glimpses in today's lessons a youtube video from Sir Ken Robinson on changing education paradigms, "Introduction to Poetry" by Billy Collins, and Summer Heights High's hidden curriculum.

To borrow a phrase from Jane Chin: "these are exciting times". To be fair, I think she meant it sarcastically.

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