Monday, February 28, 2011

Fini Hiatus!

After an incessantly long hiatus from this blog...and running...I am back on the proverbial wagon. A number of things have happened since my last post and i'll sum them up quickly:

1. Nannied for the summer, on the Sunshine Coast, BC, for two 3 year olds.
2. Accepted a full-time job as an Associate Faculty member at RNS, in Rothesay, NB and moved there in September.
3. Spent three weeks, over Christmas, in Europe with my sister and a few girlfriends.

Having been a little lost, I have now found myself in a new routine, in a new environment. I'm active and fitter than ever and really enjoying my new exercise regime. I am currently working with a trainer and a 4 phase program. We've just entered the 'Burn' phase which is exactly as it sounds -painful. Gearing myself up for the challenge will be harder than anticipated if I don't get more sleep. Spending the night on the bathroom floor with sick students is NOT helping!

In spite of my atrocious sleep habits, I am managing to hit the gym 6 days a week. More astonishingly, I am also loving it! Persevering is key and sometimes your work-out sucks or you're really not in the mood, in that case put the body on autopilot and use the time to sort through some mental challenges.

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