Friday, May 25, 2012

MWM Graphics

I was stumbling when I should have been working but I came across this graphic design gem and got really excited. I took a bunch of screen captures (which in the biz is probably really frowned upon) and fell in love with the rad colours. Check it out at the source: . Matt W. Moore, I am thoroughly enjoying your talent.

On a side note, during my trip to India last summer, I came across quite a few Mandalas. We also visited a Buddhist temple where we observed monks creating a Mandala. 4 men were working on it at the time and must have spent countless hours, cross-legged on the cement floor, syphoning coloured sand on to their design. The care and meticulousness that goes into these works of art is incredible. In layman's terms, Mandalas are used for a variety of different things, in Hinduism and Buddhism. In Buddhism, they offer a sacred space for, or aid in, meditation. Depending on the design, they can represent a vast number of things, but generally evoke some balance between the states of enlightenment and confusion.

I think that MWM's adaptations (he calls them Mandalas) are also beautiful, in a very different way. I think i'll read his blog to explore his inspiration/intention with these! 

As amazed as I am by MWM's work, I am blown away by a pair of hand-knitted, Peruvian socks. My friend W. just brought them back for me from her 3-week trip to Cuzco, Machu Pichu, and the Sacred Valley. I'm a sucker for a gorgeous pair of wool socks any day, but the craftsmanship of these (and again the rad colours) are incredible. Thanks W., it's so great to have you back! 

I know this seems like a very random post, but i'm all about making connections these days. The theme here is the expression of creativity, cool designs, and the product that emerges from the love of one's work. Cudos to you, if you've found what it is that you love to do. 

Inspiration, Goal-Setting, Motivation, Success…(not necessarily in that order)

Since my last post was about inspiration, you can probably tell I'm struggling to find some. Like that word that dances, elusive, on the tip of your tongue, inspiration (or the lack there of) has been taunting me for days. I'm sure if I looked back at some very old posts, I'd probably find one about goal-setting as well. Neither of these are new concepts to me, however my motivation seems to ebb and flow like the tides of the Bay of serious extremes.

Since my friend A. moved in at the beginning of May, both my inspiration and my motivation have been on the up-swing. Because our interests are so complimentary, we seem to feed off each other’s energy. It also helps to have somebody around to keep you accountable to your goals. Here are some of my current goals:

-Hit my yoga mat 3x/week
-Run 3x/week
-Use re-usable containers (hence my new obsession with glass jars)
-Cook more (has the nice side beny of resulting in eating out less)
-Eat local, eat well (i'm in love with the Kingston Farmer's Market)
-Find a full-time teaching-related job for Sept. 2012 (the scariest, and thus far the least successful)

I could bore you with the details but suffice it to say that, this month, I’ve spent far more time in the kitchen, playing around with recipes and vegetables I’d never ever heard of, than anywhere else. I bought a used blender on Kijiji and have made a smoothie every morning at 6:50, much to my housemates’ dismay. I’ve also delved into the realm of homemade hummus and it now dominates my diet, without straining my wallet. I’ve discovered food blog after food blog of fantastic gluten- and dairy-free meals and am (so far) embracing radical culinary change. One of my favorites is Oh She Glows, and without any further acclamation, I’ll let you discover it on your own.

As I mentioned earlier, inspiration can be a fickle thing…and maybe we appreciate it that much more, as a result. My intention is to remain open to the things that inspire me and to sideline anything that doesn’t.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

image © ben heine

Because inspiration should come from the most unlikely sources. 

Because having a hand in progress should be just this easy. 

Because everyone, everywhere, misses someone they love. 

Because sometimes it's hard to recognize where we are, and where we're meant to be going. 

Because knowledge is power and should be accessible to everyone. 

Because my dream is to cross all those bridges with you. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Little AM Inspiration

Do not stand at my grave and weep

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there; I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there; I did not die.

-Mary Elizabeth Frye, 1932

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Inspired by spoken-word poet Sarah Kay.

My list of 10 things I know to be true:

I know that I am loved
I know that there is good in the world
I know that beauty exists in the simplest things
I know that I am capable
I know that curiosity is healthy and the only way to get answers is to ask questions
I know that the sky is big and blue and holds untold mysteries
I know that a rainy day is as valuable as a sunny day
I know that right now all sorts of doors are locked but the keys are out there somewhere
I know that I will do great things
I know that being active makes me happy

Excellent poetry-writing springboard in a high school writing workshop!