Monday, February 28, 2011

"We have modified our environment so radically that we must now modify ourselves to exist in this new environment." Norbert Wiener

Fini Hiatus!

After an incessantly long hiatus from this blog...and running...I am back on the proverbial wagon. A number of things have happened since my last post and i'll sum them up quickly:

1. Nannied for the summer, on the Sunshine Coast, BC, for two 3 year olds.
2. Accepted a full-time job as an Associate Faculty member at RNS, in Rothesay, NB and moved there in September.
3. Spent three weeks, over Christmas, in Europe with my sister and a few girlfriends.

Having been a little lost, I have now found myself in a new routine, in a new environment. I'm active and fitter than ever and really enjoying my new exercise regime. I am currently working with a trainer and a 4 phase program. We've just entered the 'Burn' phase which is exactly as it sounds -painful. Gearing myself up for the challenge will be harder than anticipated if I don't get more sleep. Spending the night on the bathroom floor with sick students is NOT helping!

In spite of my atrocious sleep habits, I am managing to hit the gym 6 days a week. More astonishingly, I am also loving it! Persevering is key and sometimes your work-out sucks or you're really not in the mood, in that case put the body on autopilot and use the time to sort through some mental challenges.