Friday, March 16, 2012

Fav New Blog Discovery: The Londoner

Blogging in Beijing!

My first week in Beijing is almost up and I continue to be blown away by both the people I work with and the city itself. I have the luxury of living with dad during my stay, and I am reaping the benefits of his wonderful driver and a continental breakfast where I get both my morning coffee and my midday snacks (yumm...croissants)!

The locals are so friendly that it's difficult to feel shy or awkward. Zhang is so proud of his city that as he drives me around, he inquires as to what's on my list of sights to see and either adjusts or adds to it as he sees fit. The apartment my father lives in is very westernized and so are the stores surrounding it. There is a grocery store that stocks all sorts of recognizable brands and products (including wine -although none Canadian). We even had salmon last night, which prompted a brief conversation about the origins of the food on our plates. It seemed like it might be better to not think about it too much...Thus far I have not had the opportunity to explore much of the local fare, although I did have noodles from a noodle house close to the school at which I work (YCIS).  I am very excited to explore a more authentic and diverse view of Beijing this weekend, with my Associate and her family.

I also can't wait to shop.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kony 2012

Spent a lot of time thinking this through, showing it in class, and questioning it. Posting it for posterity sake and because I just can't let it go...