Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trendy Vocab

Why the word "Awesome" is being targeted for it's recent overuse is beyond me. A twitter newbie, i've encountered more references to the same Intelligent Life magazine article than I thought possible . As if it's the first word whose constant repetition and misuse ticks people off. (

Here's a question for Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point -how does a word suddenly come into vogue, only to be discarded some time in the future for another? Are language trends subject to the same caprices as those of fashion. Or maybe it's a matter of simple suddenly realizing you've adopted your friend's laugh because you hear it so often. If you are as taken with words as I am, you can think back to the words that your mouth somehow got snagged on and couldn't move past: "like" is the big one but there's also "dude", "brutal", "whatever", "sweet", etc.

These words are a bit like security blankets, their use is at the same time a comfort and a guilty pleasure. A way to succinctly and vaguely indicate your non-opinion of something. Generations of teenagers, often the ones to experiment with language the most freely, have applied non-traditional meanings to otherwise conventional words. It's part of the rebellion, taking possession of language and manipulating it to exclude others. It can also be a way of asserting your individuality or your conformity to a certain group. The informal language you chose to use is as identity defining as your clothing, hair cut, or likes/dislikes.

Perhaps i'm biased, a result of the age in which I grew up, but I have to admit I love the word

Friday, September 23, 2011

Outward Bound

I love travel blogging best. I find so often I doubt that what inspires me has the ability to ignite in others the same excitement and passion, and so I leave it unsaid...or more accurately...unblogged. But who doesn't love to travel? Who doesn't love and yearn everyday to be in the great outdoors? To sleep under the stars, hike a torturous and treacherous pass, paddle the murky depths of a yet unchartered waterway or to climb an unconquered crag? To finally reach a beach so distant and intangible, that even if it were a mirage, it would be no less hopeless to conceive of ever sinking one's toes into the sandy surf of it's shores?

I was Outward Bound this week with the Gr. 9's and you best believe we hiked the second half of the Fundy Footpath hard. Although it rained our second night, the 37 students we took on trip held steadfast to their smiles and resolve and kicked some serious incline ass. Kids never fail to remind me that resilience is not a learned is an ingrained and boundless and totally surprising quality in a person. I love teaching, experiential learning, and being outside. Pretty easy to please!

Friday, September 2, 2011

New beginnings & Old tricks

Today I found myself back in high school. The first day of my Education degree and I am confined to a building full of classrooms that imitate those in which I will soon find myself teaching. I have been conditioned to expect very little from the next 8 months, however on this introduction day, I find myself inspired and excited to learn. At times it concerns me that I so enjoy being the learner...

The next few months will be full of tasty morsels on computers & technology, english, history, and international collaboration through the framework of education and the practical application of these topics in the classroom. Among the inspiring glimpses in today's lessons a youtube video from Sir Ken Robinson on changing education paradigms, "Introduction to Poetry" by Billy Collins, and Summer Heights High's hidden curriculum.

To borrow a phrase from Jane Chin: "these are exciting times". To be fair, I think she meant it sarcastically.